Friday, February 25, 2011

We get a telephone call

Renee an artist from has called the school about doing a clay workshop for our students and teachers.

Mrs. Burley, the principal, calls me into the office to see what I think and to discuss how an arts based lesson could fit into our school timetable, goals and vision. We have had visiting artists and writers in the school before and Lori and I think it would be a great idea to call Renee in for a visit to discuss her ideas with our needs and vision.

Lori and I have a quick meeting with Renee, where we discuss the idea of a workshop for all children in the school. Rene presents the idea for the creation of a clay mural. Renee gives us an approximate price per student plus materials. Lori and I think this project could supplement and advance the painted mural and the fence art projects that we have already created in the school. We agree, in principle, to begin this journey and to work with Rene to create some form of clay mural project with Details and Ideas to be worked out later on after we have discussed the idea with the staff.

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