Saturday, February 26, 2011

We think About the Fence Art Project

So how did we come up with the idea of fence art from a reading, writing project. We were trying to figure out how to share the wonder and beauty of our students writing with the community. As well, I remember at the time we were also trying to figure out how to slow the traffic speeding along Burnside road. So we hatched the idea of taking the visuals and ideas from our literacy project and putting them out into the community as art. It seemed like a great way to honour the children's work and use their ideas and art to beautify our school and our community and achieve a practical end. The concept was that when people saw the children's art along the fence they would be reminded of our students, who play in and around the fence, and slow down. We approached Starbucks, one of our community sponsors, who was funding our literacy project and they loved the idea.

So now all we have to do is figure out how to take an art project and turn it into a literacy project.

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